Unless you decide to try to cross the Cook Strait on your own, it’s pretty safe. In New Zealand, companies that offer kayaking tours are run by experienced, responsible guides who know what they are doing and prioritize safety. Be sure to listen and, of course, wear a life jacket.

Can you kayak in cold weather?

Even though many tour operators close for several months during the winter months (June to September), kayaking is still quite possible and there are many that remain open.

Most canoeing, rafting, and kayaking tour operators will provide you with everything you need to stay warm and dry if you are kayaking in the cold. Think wetsuits, boots, gloves, paddle jackets, dry pants, and fully enclosed kayaks. It sounds like a lot of gear, but trust us, kayaking in New Zealand can get cold, especially on the South Island.

What kind of shoes do you wear when kayaking?

It’s best to wear neoprene paddling boots because they are lightweight and protect the bottom of your feet. However, it all depends on your location. If you’re in the subtropical north and only get out of the kayak to walk on a sandy beach, you’ll probably be fine barefoot.

If you need special footwear, such as waterproof boots for rafting the South Island River in winter, your tour provider will help with that.